50th Reunion Success

Cubberley Class of 1971, 50th Reunion Success

We had a successful delayed 50th year reunion this year on October 13-15th, and we want to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the reunion. We had 73 classmates and 21 guests who attended. We also were sad to miss many classmates who were unable to attend, or those who have passed.

We have added a brief follow up survey to our reunion website, www.cubberley1971.org and would like to hear feedback on our 50th reunion from classmates.

We have given some thought to our next reunion, possibly a 55th year reunion in 2026, or a 60th year reunion in 2031. We will send an email to classmates from the website in late 2025 or early 2026 requesting input from classmates to help us plan our next reunion.

Thanks for your support!

Your Cubberley Class of 1971 Reunion Committee

Jeff Littman                jwlittman@comcast.net

Beverly Marshall         miabev@aol.com

Michael Fox               zoro53@comcast.net

Pat Hite                     patriciahite53@yahoo.com

Craig Marshall            craigmarshall@comcast.net

Harriet Moss              hmoss75@gmail.com

Paul Ramires             paulramires@yahoo.com